CSO is happy to announce two upcoming player development opportunities in partnership with Coerver. The winter clinics will be held on January 18th at the downtown soccer complex. These camps are open to all players. CSO President Tom Velek commented: “These clinics are a great way to sharpen skills and get focused on soccer after the Christmas break.”
1. Soccer Skills Clinic, 9am-11am, ages 7-14 years old. $30. The Skills Clinic will propel players through 15-20 advanced moves with conditioned exercises to maximize learning
2. The Finishing Clinic, 1pm-4pm, ages 9-16 years old. $40 Focus on techniques of striking a ball to produce: loft, distance, power, swerve, dip and fade to improve goal scoring.
SPECIAL: $5 discount. If a player registers for both clinics.
Registration deadline Jan. 13th
Questions: tvelek@yahoo.com