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C.S.O. News
CSO Soccer Skills Camp
CSO SOCCER SKILLS AND TACTICS CAMP 2024 REGISTRATION! June 10th - June 13th, 9:00-12:00 pm $90.00 Ages 6-12, boys and girls Registration opens April 1st and will close June 1st or when camp is full. Register early to secure your spot. Register by May 27th to recieve a...
Mid-Year President’s Report
President’s Mid-Year Report 02.03.2022 Print Friendly Version In the past I have supplied an end of the year annual report. However, there is so much happening it is appropriate to supply a mid-year report this season. The report covers items related to my role as CSO...
Mid-Year DOC Report
Mid-Year DOC Report 2.3.2022 In the past I have supplied an end of the year annual report. However, there is so much happening it is appropriate to supply a mid-year report this season. The report covers items related to my role as DOC of Columbus United. Items...
“That’s A Wrap”—CSO Concludes Historic Recreational Soccer Season
When CSO’s historic 2021 recreational season started in September the temperature was warm and the sun never seemed to set. As the season wrapped the week before Thanksgiving the temps were much colder and night crept in before the 6pm kick-offs. But nothing could...
About C.S.O.
The Columbus Soccer Organization is the home for soccer in the Columbus, MIssissippi area. C.S.O. provides soccer opportunities to the community from numerous programs like recreational soccer, club soccer, adult soccer, and TOPSoccer. C.S.O. is always looking for ways to improve the opportunities it provides to the players and families of the community.
Upcoming Fall Recreational Games
Click here for 2024 Rec Soccer Schedules
C.S.O. Programs
Recreational Soccer
CSO is proud to offer recreational soccer to the youth in our community and areas beyond. Here at CSO we truly believe that recreational soccer is the foundation that any successful program is built upon.
USYS TOPSoccer is a community-based soccer program that is designed for children with special needs aged 4-19 years old.
Adult Soccer
The Columbus Soccer Organization was excited to bring back adult soccer to the community. This fun program allows our older players the opportunity to play in a 7v7 format and enjoy the game.
Columbus United
Columbus United is C.S.O.’s competitive soccer club. The primary goal of competitive soccer is player development and challenging the player to become better.
Want to Become A Sponsor?
There are many opportunities to become a part of the Columbus Soccer Organization family. We are always looking to establish partnerships with local organizations that would benefit both our members and local groups. If you would like to become a sponsor or request more information please contact us. Don’t forget that your sponsorship contribution is also tax deductible.