Columbus Soccer Organization (CSO) is pleased to announce its Volunteer of the Year, Todd Fishel United Coach of the Year, Todd Waldrop Adult Player of the Year, as well as awardees of the CSO Collegiate Scholarship. All awards are based upon nominations from the CSO membership, other than the CSO Collegiate Scholarship which is based upon applications made by individuals.
Each year Columbus Soccer Organization honors one of its many volunteers as Volunteer of the Year. The award is a testament to the importance of volunteerism to CSO and the contributions of each nominated individual. The VOY for 2020-2021 is Greg Remson.
In the spring of 2020 CSO established the “Todd Waldrop Adult Soccer Player of the Year Award.” Todd was a coach for CSO recreational teams and an enthusiastic part of the adult league. The award is given to an adult league player that best exemplifies sportsmanship and love of the game as Todd did. The award winner for 2021 is Jimmy Parker.
The United COY award honors a coach at the competitive level. While an annual honor, it is only awarded when a coach is deemed to be truly deserving. Named after former United coach Todd Fishel the award goes to a coach that has performed above and beyond the high standards expected of all United coaches. For the 2021-2022 competitive season the COY is Jonathan Tuggle.
The CSO Collegiate scholarship was established by generous donations in honor of Marolyn Albertson, the grandmother of Columbus United coach Dave Albertson. Each year the scholarship is further supported by local businesses that sponsor CSO. The goal of the scholarship is to continue to support those who have played with CSO after they have moved on in their education. It is also a sign of the commitment the organization has for its players even after they stop paying registrations fees. The 2021 CSO Collegiate Scholarship was awarded to Reagan Greenhaw. The scholarship is renewable for up to three years. For 2021 the scholarship was renewed for Coen Velek.
For more information regarding Columbus Soccer Organization visit or contact CSO President Tom Velek at
Coen Velek–CSO Collegiate Scholarship
Reagan Greenhaw–CSO Collegiate Scholarship
Jonathan Tuggle–Todd Fished United Coach of the Year
Greg Remson–Volunteer of the Year
Jimmy Parker–Todd Waldrop Adult League Player of the Year